Sky clad dance The magick black As the ravens’ eyes tonight The unseen draped in darkness Spawn of the twilight Will join us in our circle and chant with us the runes To weave the spells of holy war Beneath the pale full moon Blessed with wormwood visions Unfold now ‘fore our eyes The secrets of the darkest arts Of death the grand devise Our book of shadows inked in blood Our goetia will reveal A path forbidden and by time Buried and concealed Nightshade belladonna Adorn forgotten graves With your demonic beauty Bring us now The end of days Awake now from your slumber From your dreamless sleep tonight By the gates of death you 've waited We summon you now rise Three times six the crucifix Now broken and defiled The wonds inverted as lords’ prayer Is recited heretic style Thirteen candles lit the bell chimes Now the time has come Thunder roars a cold wind blows The war has just begun Devilry witches vile at work Sharpening the torture spells We scorch the heavens with the screams Of dying angels bound for hell A black magick crazed apocalypse With a hellish roar ablaze The deathly words of the inferno mass Bring us now The end of days Nightshade belladonna Adorn forgotten graves With your demonic beauty Bring us now The end of days