Epic Rap Battles Of History

Romeo & Juliet VS Bonnie & Clyde

Epic Rap Battles Of History

I'll handle this darling
I'm known to fire off some BAR's
Cause if these lovers cross me
They're gonna end up seeing stars

I mean I'll let you go first
But damn sure I'm gettin' licks in
On this hissy fittin' rich kid
And this prepubescent vixen
I'm sick of them!

Let's beat 'em then
And we can rob 'em blind
I'll stick this punk up from the front

I'll take this broad from behind
And pop a cap in the ass of the last Capulet heiress
Give Miss No Nights In Paris a reason to cry to her parents

Oh! Romeo, O Romeo
Wherefore you tryin' to flow yo?
Mofo, you soft as a fro-yo
Are those the drapes or your clothes, bro? (Ooh!)
There's gonna be a tragedy

[Bonnie and Clyde]
Make you ache like your balls on the balcony
Barrow Gang put their money where their mouth is
Spit sick like a plague on both your houses!

My love
Your face is beauty to behold
I will protect thine honor
From these dust bowl dildos

A moment's break from your gaze
Is an eternity past
So together we shall both
Put these bitches on blast

En garde thou artless beetle headed flax wench
The only insult you have thrust upon me is thine stench
Why don't you twist upon these nuts?
I hear you're good with a wrench
The dismal state of your raps should be a federal offense

And you there, wench with the neck of a chicken
You'll get an ass rippin' worse than your boyfriend's in prison
You're not a true romance, you're just a conjugal visit
Oh, but that's not even your real husband now is it?

Hey partner, you best put a muzzle on your missus
'Fore I teach her how we handle disrespect down in Texas

Do you quarrel sir? Ho, shall I draw my long sword
Or will you duck your chicken shit ass back into your Ford?

How could you beat my man in some mano a mano?
You can't protect your best friend from some John Leguizamo!

No no, my Romeo will beat your beau in contest blow for blow
He will do upon thine dick what you hath done upon your toe
Oh! I am killed, what irony is this?
The lead role shot down by a failed actress

Then I shall kill myself on my stomach I shall lie
So you louts can lick my ass, thus with a diss, I die

Oops, nevermind, my flesh was merely grazed
Where's Romeo?
Oh Nomeo!
There's poison on your face!
Oh happy dagger, pierce me true, persuade my breath to stop
Sheath yourself inside my heart and like the beat I drop

[Bonnie and Clyde]
Well that was tragic
That did not go as expected
Woulda done that boy some good to just wait a couple seconds
It's kinda sad though really
So young to have just died
Well at least we got each other
Just Bonnie and