O you heathens which dwell in the first aeyre, The mighty in the parts of the earth And execute my judgement! Behold the face of your God, Whose eyes are the darkness: O arise, confound her understanding with darkness O arise, it repented me; I remade man, cast down such as fall! The reasonable creatures (of the earth) let them vex, Weed out one another and the dwelling places Let them forget their names: The work of man, let them be defaced! Lape zodir ioiad! Odo cicale qaa Od ozodazodame pelapeli iadanamada! Furnishing you with a power Understand to dispose all things According to the "providence" Of him that sitteth on the holy throne And rose up in the beginning saying: Gi-cahisaje auauago coremepe peda, Dasonuf vi-vau-di-vau? Odo cicale qaa, Od ozodazodame pelapeli iadanamada! O arise, confound her understanding with darkness O arise, it repented me; I remade man, cast down such as fall! Thus spoke buer