Forsooth, surely and without doubt What is below is similar to what is above And what is above is mirrored with the below To produce the miracle of one thing As all things are born from the unique The meditation of the single As derivation are born from the unique When we become "whole" Split the earth from the flames What is precious from what is rough And rise what is earthly to the skies Conquering therefore the light of the white And feed the light of the shades Sole reverser of mentalities ...The two faces of the divine Sole reverser of mentalities ...The two faces of the end Sole reverser of mentalities ...The two faces of the start Sole reverser of mentalities ...Those two faces of mine It is the strength amongst strengths As it is a victorious one The elusive which fornicates all that is solid And extraneous to my realm, A divine coagulation; The two faces of the divine Thus spoke haagenti