Sanctify! sanctify my being through my blood by my spirit, Bless me! bless my devotion by your grandeur, father ! Burn me! burn me into pleasures of pain and flesh ! Sanctify! sanctify my being through wrath by my health! Each night i hear the voice of my father... He oblige me to sate my bestial instinct: I kidnap weak chicks for my perverted pleasures, my lair is the corridor to Death, the entrance Towards hell!! I sew their eyes open wide, then they cannot close them anymore, then they Could see the face of Death... mine !!!!! They're alive when i break their weak bones, when my clock slash their Cunt, their small butt!! I drive nails within their chocked eyes, just before i draw arms and legs To finally eat their guts!!! I'm the gates towards hell... i am "death" and i am everywhere... Waiting for you !!! The face of death !!!!