Satanas, fallen one by this nail commences, nazarene Mutilations, morbid death, suffering awaits him while he is Crucified on the cross, go away blessed whore Blessed whore, blessed whore! Hellish strenght, grand-goat war, antichrist From the pits of hell! Diabolic force, diabolic force, diabolic force! Rising high, grand goat-war, antichrist From the pits of hell! Diabolic force, diabolic force, diabolic force! Suddenly the pest is growing inside me The devil invest my soul with all my pride The dismembered remains of the nazarene Lies beneath my feet Now covered in blood, i hold the spear which pierced His holy heart, longinus is my name! Hellish strenght, grand-goat war, antichrist From the pits of hell! Diabolic force, diabolic force, diabolic force! Rising high, grand goat-war, we are possessed by his blood Blood!