I ascend into the light I feel my feet leave the ground I'm immersed in kinetic warmth As I come closer to meeting the source in the sky I look down to see a rotting world beneath me A large structure begins to emerge from the light That's the last I see before my consciousness slips from me When I open my eyes, I am surrounded By beings as I lie naked They stare down upon me I cannot see their faces, I only see their Silhouette as I lie here paralyzed Without the presence of words, they begin To speak to me, as if they have entered my mind They speak with telepathy You were born as human slave A willing servant to interdimentional gods You were encarnalized to perform the will of your creators We are the God's of the ancient world Our will be done on earth as it is in heaven Our will be done I am confounded by alters in my perception I'm leaving my body I can now see their faces My soul now free of flesh Beyond the mortal veil They aren't the faces of gods Behind this masquerade lies the faces of my deceivers Extraterrestrial entities with no empathy Malevolent beings cloaked in a veil of holy ones They masquerade as angels