Old John from his deathbed cried: "Think I will wait 'til tomorrow to die Sun is shining, birds do sing This, sir, is no day to go" Up and out the door I've had a life that's full Everyone's been good to me So fire up that fiddle, boy And give me one last drink When the sun comes up I will leave without a fight But the world is mine tonight Took young Molly by the hand Spun her 'round and back again Clicked his heels, bowed his head Never a tear in his eye Carried on 'til five So raise a glass to the dear departed ones Room was full of all his friends Never a funeral, this was the end Drank to all who lent their hand Everyone drank to John I've had a life that's full Everyone's been good to me So fire up that fiddle, boy And give me one last drink When the sun comes up I will leave without a trace But the world is mine today