All the way with the king-made diamonds Ever willing cake and filling Coming over the surface only Love begins For the men who swim there Rolling over the phone rings yawning Didn't get it ringing let it And rolling over the subject matter Turn on the set on the weekends starlet Evil do you know we do Well evil makes you feel like you What evil do you come into Evil did you know me Oh daughter daughter I hope you notice The look of the actress Wove with blackness They roll around On a coaster And bring in Dick and news And all the boozing They got an eye on the paper dated Two weeks older getting colder They're pushing sacharin With open mouth They're going up when it's down Was it over the counter Evil do you know we do Well evil makes you feel like you What evil do you come into And evil did you know me You're choking out on the circuit break it In the routes and major blackouts All i need is one exception To the rule that they affection All i need is one exception To the rule that they affection Evil do you know we do Well evil makes you feel like you Well evil do you know we do Evil makes you feel like you What evil do you come into Well evil did you know me