
The Invocation Of Marduk


From the Gate of Fire 
Across the Outer Wall 
When the Four-Eyed God whispers 
Enuma elish la nabu shamu 

Come forth ye Guardians 
My journey will lead to the Stars 
I was sprung where the Sun don't rise 
Nerakkal ina im-ni-ia (Nergal is at my right hand) 
I shall not fear the Depths 
Suen ina ar-ki-ia (Sin is behind me) 

Cast to live where the Sun don't reach 
Ninurta ina su-me-li-ia (Ninurta is at my left hand) 
I will face the Storm alone 
Shamshu ina pa ni-ia (Shamash is before me) 
Where the Heavens had not been named 
Enuma elish la nabu shamu 

Oh Mighty God with 50 Names 
Slayer of Tiamat, Master of Esharra 
I beheld the Tablet of Destiny 
Thee I invoke, Ilu Qurdu