
The Black Prophet


Angels and Demons fill my nights 
Sorrow and pleasure in endless fight 
Sinners and bitches in disguise 
I close my eyes and a vortex raise 
Longing for a moment of dream and mist 
Striking the weakness as a clenched fist 
Calling the War from the farest lands 
As a black prophet rising from the sands 
Exiled and envied, as kings without their land 
Black as the void against the blizzard we stand 
Avenger destructors of vicious empires 
Mourning angels coiled in unquenchable fires 

"Predatori del mondo intero, adesso che mancano terre alla loro sete di 
totale devastazione, vanno a frugare anche il mare: avidi se il nemico è 
ricco, arroganti se povero, genti che ne' l'oriente, ne' l'occidente 
possono saziare; loro soli bramano possedere con pari smania ricchezze e 
miseria. Rubano, massacrano, rapinano e con falso nome, lo chiamano 
impero; infine, dove fanno il deserto, lo chiamano pace." 
( Tacitus, 84 e.v. ) 

I come within the Thunder, from above and below 
I creep and I fly, from above and below 
As a whirlwind of flame We shall come forth 
Cleansing in fire from the south and the North 

Masters on iron thrones. bringers of fear and suspiction 
We are born of sideral void, we raise from your superstition 
My nights are cloaked by dreams, I am the Dark Lords hand 
Black as the void against the blizzard we stand