Enigma Ex Machina


Enigma Ex Machina

Collapsing masses of distant stars
Space itself is pulled by gravity
Inescapable dying light
Celestial corpses of brutality

God's harnesses got too loose
Black mass of an unknown enemy
The event horizon clashes on
Moving towards singularity

When I consider your heavens
Working planets, the Moon and the stars
All can be gone with the blink of an eye
No more place for humanity

The time has been consumed
To a point of no return
The skies proclame the end of this world
Crushing itself into eternity

God's harnesses got too loose
Black mass of an unknown enemy
The event horizon clashes on
Moving towards singularity

The time has been consumed
To a point of no return
The skies proclame the end of this world
Crushing itself into eternity

God's harnesses got too loose
Black mass of an unknown enemy
The event horizon clashes on
Moving towards singularity