vcr broken and cable unpaid anchorman says, "president got laid" four major networks covered the scandal, MY FAVORITE SHOW WAS DROPPED BY THIS CHANNEL!!! I've got a thing for Bob Saget's twins childhood innocence and delicate skin red hot desire burns deep within priests shriek in horror as I confess my sins pay-per-view showing, "Twins Save The Day" wished they'd come over, so we could play special is over, it re-plays tomorrow friend has a scrapbook he says I can borrow tons of fun - assaulting the Olsens syndicated worldwide sex symbols for a new millenium for their attention, I hijacked their mother you can keep your ol' sons, I'll take your daughters MARY-KATE and ASHLEY I love to grope their bodS SHOWER with GIFTS gooey little wads GOT the COLLECTION all the shows on tape I THINK THEY LOVE ME I wouldn't call it rape