my colleagues and I have been campaigning for thousand of years modernization and economic growth shal persevere industry put Christ on his cross, all you sinners would still be lost so give up your faith in God, and give me your fear my father pioneered global trade his workers would break their backs for little pay PRAISE - the DOLLAR - and GLOBAL - UNIFICATION our corporation financed the voyages of Ponce deLeon don't call me a pirate, call me C.E.O. the industry has been in scrutiny in recent times union boards and disgruntled drones build picket lines cut me some slack, I paid you your wage, there's no cheap labor like dad used to say, "money doesn't grown on treehuggers" field all comments and complaints to human resources branch out and merge, increase production, use third world labor forces CAPITALISTS UNITE! all hail the final VICTORY OF CAPITALISM establish an unstable worldwide financial system put all dissenters and socialists in prison this plan will work, we will have a smooth transition/ YOU WILL SPILL YOUR BLOOD IN THE NAME OF CAPITALISM! branch out and merge, increase production, exploit all resources employ and enslave, your job can't be saved I've bred a new race to replace