Almost invulnerable walking flesh, reborn in the house of the dead morte-vipers' indiscreet, don't care who he eats spend your final day at the centre called H.O.P.E. 'human error' allowed infected rat in a sterile zone "I apologize to the president, and to the field that I represent, I'm responsible 100 percent, for fulfilling this grim, prophetic event..." ATTACKED BY THE DEAD - think fast and AIM FOR THE HEAD WISE WITCHDOCTOR SAID - THE DEAD MUST BE FED by the power of Baron Samedi, master of voodoo and necromancy 'our fathers, they shall arise, take vengeance on those who burned out their eyes' I bid them to do my will, yet they perform with the crudest skills 'reasoning skills they lack, I trust them not and I watch my back' manufactured assasin beings from the centre of H.O.P.E. ravenous infection mauls straight to the bone spread contagion and disease, the earth's leaders on their knees ignoring all cries and pleas, the dead begin their final feast