Now may I morne as one off late Dryuen by force from my delyte and can not se my louely mate to whom for euer my hart ys plyte Alas that euer pryson strange [5] should such too louers separate yet though ower bodys suffreth wronge ower harts shalbe off one estate I will not swerue I you Insure for gold nor yet for worldly fere [10] but lyke as yerne I wyll Indure suche faythful loue to you I bere Thus fare ye well to me most dere off all the world both most and lest I pray you be off ryght good chere [15] and thynke on me that louys yow best and I wyll promyse yow agayne to thynke off yow I wyll not lett for nothyng could relesse my payne but to thynke on yow my louer swete. [20]