English 362

I may well say with Ioyfull harte

English 362

I may well say with Ioyfull harte 
as neuer woman myght say beforn 
that I haue takyn to my part 
the faythfullyst louer that euer was born 

great paynes he suffreth for my sake [5] 
contynnually both nyght and day 
for all the paynes that he doth take 
from me hys loue wyll not decay 

Wyth thretnyng great he hath ben sayd 
off payne and yke of punishment [10] 
yet all fere asyde he hath layed 
to loue me best was hys yntent 

Who shall let me then off ryght 
onto myself hym to retane 
and loue hym best both day and nyght [15] 
yn reconpens off hys great payne 

yff I had more more shold he haue 
and that I kno he knowys full well 
to loue hym best vnto my graue 
off that he may both bye and sell [20] 

And thus fare well my harts desyer 
the only stay off me and myne 
onto god dayly I make my prayer 
to bryng vs shortly both in one lyne