Cleansed of flesh and absolved of all deeds Now our peace will settle all A myth so dreadful your soul will sag From the weight it carries I can hear their dreadful song Unaware of death as they seek to face The embrace that once was and all they needed All will share a carrion fate Be prepared for multiple deaths Of all souls as hells rolls on As hells rolls on the path of light we crumble Every lamb in all worlds will be slaughtered Remember back to the earliest curse The point from which all men did turn Even man in his infancy stage He did everything he could to dig his own grave As he said, ''Suffer through the myst to forge your will and the world will surely come'' Deception our hallmark, our patient, our word ''Sapien'' their word to describe themselves as wise man Blanket lies to conceal the truth that they we're but only blind men Lucifer - the bringer of all light berars Solemn truth for all Take - come forth - these sacraments of Braktal O'Minn and all That the angels came from bastion's gaze of the hot lukewarm calls Lick the blade but once again Shed no tears for your fallen kin And make haste to make proper and join within The Fold - the legions of the damned (at best) As we invade the duress of all heaven and the Seraphim's halls The day as come The final reckoning of the will of the black and his fallen minions [Solo - Matt Brown] And with the heavens now altered and subdued to the powers of us Well put to use necrologies to conquer earth Keeping in mind our advantage We'll toy with them thousands of years