El día ha llegado La esperanza ha terminado En un mundo devastado Por mentiras de libertad. Screams of help, screams of fear Earth steps aside ignoring their pain Fights over petroleoum, race of religions My mind can not tolerate all the anihilation The killer machine won´t stop killing Blood had been spield, when will this be over? People enriched by other´s misfortune What would you do with the money if the world is left behind? They kill each other beliving their reason They price our lifes under their condition Growing up in horror, living with fear, we are surrounded by death Tortured innocents, separated familys Inocoherent reaction for dominated minds Time it´s almost over, whe shouldn´t wait If it doesn´t end earth will die. Gente luchando, sufriendo y muriendo. Peleando una guerra que parece no tener final. Almas condenadas bajo su poder Injustas desiciones que destrozan nuestra fé. Niños armados, mil muertes mas. Ríos de sangre, todo por el vil metal... El mundo esta llorando con lágrimas de sangre