Year 495 of the First Age of Beleriand Túrin has gained great consideration and power from Orodreth, King of Narghothrond After numerous successes in battle Túrin rules all matters of war, and commands to build the bridge outside the city To allow the armies to pass through and fight against the black horde of Angband But the King was warned about the great peril of invasion by Ulmo himself God of waters By messengers he told to Orodreth to leave The city and reach the safe shores of the sea But the king got angry with the messengers and the God So he decided to stay and fight But, in the end, the bridge was the ruin of Nargothrond Because it allowed to the armies of Morgoth To pass and sack the city Orodreth was killed and Túrin was bewitched by Glaurung He couldn’t do anything to protect the people