The Sea arose in frightening might And waves that looked like the endless night. The mountains fell and towers broke And thus the mind of Eru spoke. The Star light, was then no more And this befell to answer King’s war. It sank beneath the darkened waves: Its golden halls were turned to graves. Ar-Pharazôn: “Glorious will be my future A true king to conquer all Supremacy is in man’s nature And make every false gods fall.” Mad was King Ar-Pharazôn His hatred great, his wisdom gone. The Ban he thought no longer strong: A war he wrought and knew no wrong. He sailed to the West late in the night And feared not yet the Valar's might. But wrathful were Gods of old And broke the Men that once were bold. Ar-Pharazôn: “Go further and never look back Some may never return Get ready for the final attack Show no mercy and let them burn.”