
Kiss Of The Blade


You made your time, you made the harmony
For the symphony of Life
Dumped in drums, created cacophony
But you won't have a single clap

Don't Matter What you do

You caught the iron, made the steel
And made the sweet turn into sour
Kissed the blades, tasted your blood
But you won't make a single war

Don't Matter What you do

You made a run, You've made a fall
From the End that is getting near
You felt the razorblade, the freezing cage
But you won't make a single step

Oh, son, this life you live
[This joke, you trying to fit in]
You've tasted indifference
[But don't cry, my son]
Oh, little son, you're gonna die
[Hush! Dush! Don't cry]
Don't matter what you do