All these labels can start to hide what they name.. Take a million angles and make them look all the same. The world as it is, deep and beautifully complex. What we build, shallow as the architects, And I get lost in the maze of detail. A micro level focus.. My life out of scale. But outside.. All that you see is alive. Moving and changing with time. No divide between myself and everything else. So free... I wander out endlessly past the bounds of my words. Through the open animate space, Light as the air I exchange. Outside.. All that you see is alive. Moving and changing with time. No divide between myself and everything else. Here outside, All that you see is alive. Moving and changing with time. Finding a way to survive. Reaching like the trees spread out as they rise, The more ways I can see, The more I find my light. When darkness comes my way, And hopes are cast aside, I won't dwell upon decay.. For it will bring new life. Illuminate my mind. There's a part of me inside everything.