Seized and faced with emotions of the past. I plough and suffer through a field of desire. Betrayed and decived by my joy for life. Embraced by fear and bitterness of my life. Life the first ray of light, slumbers death in my mind. It haunts me... takes control. Steals the fear from my mind, leaves my will far behind, Insanity... takes control. Though your life seems untrue, there's so much left to do. Death... is so final. Life gives more you can get, you must never forget, There's always... another day. In my dreams I don't life to see the morning sun, finding myself drowning in a pool of misery I'm so cold, I'm so alone, I await my death with pride In this life, endless cries, how I long for peace inside. Like the call of the sirens, screams death inside my head, teardrops fall as I see your shadow in my mind. DEATH IS SO FINAL... DEATH IS SO FINAL... DEATH IS SO FINAL... DEATH IS SO FINAL...