I live in a terribly lugubrious crypt, My existence passes far away from the real world Unfortunate dwelling of my linege, who's offsprings reside in urns Buried between shadows & stillness I have no contact with the living, & unavoidably i drown in a total desperation In company of things that are not Or that where here before, but not now There is no sanity to distinguish them in these agonic hours Now no one leaves flowers At the melancholic shadows of the granite gravestone... Only i reside in this hidden mortuary mansion The house of the funerary hymns Far away from the mist that covers the horizon, Palely shines the hateful warning moon And in the very depths, where there is no light Terrible howling emerging from desperation, Between dark valleys & misty woods, You can see horrible & grotesque shapes, Around their pantheons You can't describe it because it's so desolating... Every where tears drip, between their pale faces That fade the light of the stars Putrefaction covers it all, and moss is the only flower that remains In my unfortunate dwellings of my lineage, who's offsprings reside In urns buried between shadows & stillness Only i reside in this hidden mortuary mansion The house of the funerary hymns