Emmy The Great

If I Had Known The Last Time Would Be The Last Time, I Would've Let You Enjoy It

Emmy The Great

So I was there, days later
To collect the things you�d left
Carry what I could, the rest
Would follow in a week

So I was there, amongst your papers
Remembering when the ink was wet
And all the words not finished yet
All the pages incomplete.

And if I thought the wind rose as I carry them away
Felt the clouds performing sunlight on the page
And if I felt them shifting, if I thought you were listening
If I saw you, I didn't say.

Então eu estive aí, dias depois
Para pegar as coisas que você tinha deixado
Touxe o que pude, o resto
Trarei na semana que vem

Então eu estive aí, entre seus papéis
Lembrando-me de quando a tinta estava fresca
E as palavras por terminar
Todas as páginas estavam incompletas.

E se eu pensava na rosa-dos-ventos assim como trouxe as coisas para cá,
Sentia a neblina progetando o sol na página,
E se eu a sentia se mexendo, se eu tivesse pensado que você estava ouvindo
Se eu tivesse visto você, eu não diria.