Emily Smith

The Soldier's Return

Emily Smith

When wild wars deadly blast was blawn
And gentle peace returning
Wi mony a sweet baby faitherless
And mony a widow mourning

I left the lines and tented field
Where lang I'd been a lodger
My humble knapsack aa my wealth
A poor and honest soldier

A leal, light heart was in my breast
My hand unstained wi plunder
And for fair Scotia hame again
I cheery on did wander

I thoucht upon the banks of Coil
I thoucht upon my Nancy
And ay I mindt her witching smile
That caught my youthful fancy

At length I reached the bonny glen
Where early life I sported
I passed the mill and trysting thorn
Where Nancy oft I courted

She gazed and reddened like a rose
Syne pale like ony lily
She sank within my arms and cried
Art thou my ain dear Willie?

The wars are o'er and I"m come hame
And find thee still true hairted
Though poor in gear, we're rich in love
And mair we'se ne'er be pairted

Oh said she my grandfather left me gowd
A mailin plenished fairly
And come my faithful soldier boy
Thou"rt welcome to it dearly

For gold the merchant ploughs the main
The farmer ploughs the manor
But glory is the soldiers prize
The soldiers wealth is honour

The brave poor soldier neer despise
Nor count him as a stranger
Remember he's his countrys stay
In day and hour of danger