All the ninja raiders. (All the ninja raiders) x3 All the ninja raiders... Now put your hands up I'm up in a PUG. You're flying on a rug. I'm doin; my hunter thing. You're rockin mad heals. I got mad skills. I'm bustin' out my serpent sting. We're burnin' through mobs. Some cloth gloves drop, but you're not payin' attention. Everyone rolls greed, but I roll need. And now you're all mad at me. But if you like it then you shoulda rolled need on it. If you like it then you shoulda rolled need on it. Don't be mad cuz it's not like I peed on it. If you like it then you shoulda rolled need on it. QQQ QQQQQ QQQQ.. If you like it then you shoulda rolled need on it. If you like it then you shoulda rolled need on it. You're only cryin' right now cuz a hunter got it. If you liked it then you shoulda rolled need on it. I'm in 10-man OS. I'm toppin DPS. Killin' some trash with my pet. They drop a nice staff. I need it and laugh. Everyone gets all upset. I need no permission, did I mention, Everything's a hunter weapon. I yell, "Good luck with Sarth!" And then I just hearth. And I really wonder if they'll miss me. If you like it then you shoulda rolled need on it. If you like it then you shoulda rolled need on it. Yes, I see that it's got plus heals on it. But If you like it then you shoulda rolled need on it. QQQ QQQQQ QQQQ.. If you liked it then you shoulda rolled need on it. If you liked it then you shoulda rolled need on it. I don't care that you claim that your priest won it. But If you liked it then you shoulda rolled need on it. QQQ QQQQQ QQQQ.. Don't tell me that you don't secretly Want to be just like me And need every BOE That you see And find a guild that'll take you Into raids to Upgrade you And gear you For Ulduar and beyond. And get all the loot you want. And then when no one's on You can go grab all the gold, /gquit and you're gone. All the ninja raiders. (All the ninja raiders) x3 All the ninja raiders... Now put your hands up QQQ QQQQQ QQQQ.. If you liked it then you shoulda rolled need on it. If you liked it then you shoulda rolled need on it. Don't be mad when you see I put berserker on it. Cuz If you liked it then you shoulda rolled need on it. If you liked it then you shoulda rolled need on it. If you liked it then you shoulda rolled need on it. It's not my fault that you clicked greed on it. Cuz If you liked it then you shoulda rolled need on it. QQ More.