Flaming passion for different licks fight another flood on new levels determination of mind education no outwards god to defy your vigour serving depth of cognitions profusions exempt shallow happiness the idealistic trendslavery end down home for gold by gyration master the collective rumourmill differing wolf's increased senses beware tyrants and sliced minds evoke no mimics of forged mirth remoulding blunders resistant gnaw infernal stupidity shall be refrained circles toll reborn recurrence ignition haggard towards laurels of the shrewd "psyched for you own paths to wit complete the labyrinth that grows way faster than you can walk it all interpretation disarme, march on" presiding mechanisms of ambivalence led the way in a one man trench solitude and alien grief spawns ambitions delay all reward it gets bigger with time the critical phase emerges disguised abrogate all intricate flashbacks reconnecting disconnections all astray spirits reappear prudent by stigma Vailed and quaranteed until these last actions before your new spring exceed your mirrorwise mentor replace me and reign who am I you have been here before on lower ranks will you repel guarantee for rescue or run all in good time remember all in good time raised in good time defender traced in good time I am you