Tom: Am Am Judge said, "Son, you better say your prayers F E Got a noose that fits you and some gallow stairs Am Am/G E And by this time tomorrow you won't be alive Am Am/G F Soon we'll be giving you 10,000 volts" E Am And I said, "Make that twenty five" The firing squad have got me right in their sights Got me strapped up tightly with some dynamite And I hear the executioner has got a brand new kink He's giving me cyanide to breathe and strychnine to drink F C/B Am So dress me in chains and bind me in shackles F C/B Am The last thing you'll hear is my cold hearted cackle F C/B Am D G The last thing you'll see is my twisted leer C C7 F E Am I'm a condemned man and I'll never get out of here G D F C The searchlight's sweeping up from the prison tower G D F C The clock is creeping up to the midnight hour G D F F F C Outside they're wailing, "Repent, repent, repent, and believe" C7 F E There's a telephone ringing but no chance of reprieve Am All you straight shooters and God fearing dolts Am Am/G F E Can be scared rigid by electrical volts F C/B Am D G But I can't be killed by any regular means C C7 F E Am Or I'll come back to haunt you and visit your dreams