Again the sun has risen and another day is born To you it doesn't matter, all hope is long forlorn For you there is no life outside these four white walls So spend all of your days decaying in your husband's halls So you hide - for the veil of black conceals your eyes Behind the mask of sorrow nobody sees your face Every day and every night abandoned from the light Wear the mask of sorrow till the end of your days The days go by like years, you lost count long ago A life within a world that nobody must know A sacrifice fed to the beasts, contempt in every word You've told your god a hundred times but has he ever heard Sometimes when night has fallen you think of that day When you can't take it any more and you will run away Don't you know there's no way you ever will be free You will be found and killed for the honour of your family So better close your eyes and keep this dream a dream So you hide behind the mask of sorrow So you hide beneath the veil of black