The bleed of the usual sense of life heals me from your presumption The wake of the new great sense of death Eternalize my essence above the flesh hold my hand and trust, in the day we cross the bridge of love, smile you wont fall here again Children of the fallen truth spare your poisoned lies of death psychotic lies in your head in bloom you born once more with a heart of stone what you denied in your past comes now You runned, from your own harvest of sorrow Retire the veil between life and death You can deceive what you see (but) You cannot deceive what you will be Let me break your retention chains The great beyound is not your stupid heaven your stupid hell still less life as a biologic accident Just Keep your time to run with the winds in the hill and sense the following rain in your weak skin of snow Uma vez mais tua arrogância arremessa ao longe a partícula angelical que havia em vocÊ Uma vez mais minha ajuda sucumbe No pobre vazio de seus ideais Tua carne se adula em ouro tua alma se banha em fel"