Elio E Le Storie Tese

First Me Second Me

Elio E Le Storie Tese

I would like to writing and singing a song in english, 
tongue that I've studied at the medium school. 
I'd surely find the way to recreate the original sound 
of the wonderful Beatles english. 
I would pick up a girl and 
- thank you to the original sound of the wonderful Beatles english - 
I would conquer her, 
I would marry her and together we will farrow so many much childs. 
So we would live until the late age (her), 
while I would never die just like Highlander; 
but not like Sean Connery, better like Christopher Lambert: 
young through the centuries but without cut the head. 
So every night I dream my unrealizable, unreasonable, 
unrecognizable, unjamestaylorable, unstatesmanlike dream come true. 

How you call you? How many years you have? 
From where come? How stay? 
Not to be sad: 
the life is a thing wonderful and I am here for make it wonderfuler. 
Not see the my love for yourself? 
For force, not is visible. 
Not hear the sound of the my guitar? 
Is play from me; is play for you, is play for we. 
Oui, je t'aime, je t'aime - yes -, must to be the my girl; 
come on the my car that I bring you at make one tour. 
What think of the my car? 
Is much beautiful, second me