My shield is broken, my strength is gone Like a raven the foe is around me My legs are bleeding because of their arrows And my sword is not right in my hand. I lay on the ground crying in despair for help My foes tell me that no one will hear me They laugh and spit in my face! Pain and sorrow invade my heart I feel new strength that lifts me up I heard a voice from heaven saying: But I AM a shield for you, your glory And I lift up your head. You should not be afraid of ten thousand foes They have set themselves against you My foes run in fear at the Voice That resonates like thunder in the heavens Others fall down before that holy Presence And I stand up in fear and frightened. O Lord; save me, for thou hast smitten all mine foes against me On the cheek of bone; thou hast broken the teeth of the ungodly My salvation belongs unto my Lord, Thy blessing is upon us