A lonely soul in an empty street standing alone with frozenfeet A car drives up, a window goes down she looks at a stranger witha smile on her face She knows what he wants, he knows what she is there's no need totalk, just a silent kiss The car drives away, the window goes up she starts to please theman beside her Skillful hands all over his body trying to forget while she'sdoing her work The lonly soul now controlled by a stranger the little girldoesn't know she's in danger CHORUS A cheap girl in a modern world a cheap girl in a modern world she's a cheap girl in a modern world with hopeful dreams in aworld where no-one cares After a while the man starts to beat her she tries to get out,but she's caught inside It doesn't take long before it is over and another name iswritten in blood She was a little girl with dreams made of pure gold little girljust fifteen years old CHORUS A cheap girl in a modern world a cheap girl in a modernworld she's a cheap girl in a modern world with hopeful dreams in aworld where no-one cares