Tom: Bm G, F#, E In the writings of the druids, Lies a recipe for druid-fluid. Sounds like a most refreshing drink to me! You seem to be accruin', More penalties than a Boston brewin', But your card says "get out of jail for free". You were always such a shoe-in, But you didn't pay attention to what you were doin', And no one here can do it as good as me! D No one here can do it, (huh!) D No one here can do it, (huh!) D No one here can do it E as good as me! Chorus E, Bm , D , E G, F#, E Singing "Yeah! It was a clusterfuck! (was a clusterfuck) Oh yeah, it really fucked us up (it really fucked us up) (i'm not gonna bother with the interludes if someone else wants to go ahead do so) E F F# Oh why, B Do bitches cry, When I went D bye, bye E bye F# It ain't no lie, B That rent is D too damn, E too damn high.