Tom: Em EEE|---------------------------------------------------------------| D A C C An------nie don't leave get out of here. Head for the sea, girl. Sun's hot and the air is clean. Best things in the world are free, and Mist----er Mur-----phy, he likes his Jack and Nor-----een. Molson Ex------port times three. E E E E Jimi Hen-----drix and were la------zy. Chorus: 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & EEE|---------------------------------------------------------------| G B E E Ann-------------------------------------ie G B E E Ann-------------------------------------ie G B E E Ann-------------------------------------ie C# C# C# Verse 2: 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & EEE|---------------------------------------------------------------| D A C C Met her late in the after--------------------|noon host----ing shore---line pub------|crawl. Look----ing for some cold beer, mystery---------stone punch un------du------la-------|tor, Tony bran---------------------|dy, and "D & D", but-----ter-----scotch and loads of beer. E E E E Its SO great we want to stay here. **************************Patrick*Glass******************* "There's a place where the strange ones go where nobody else can know. They look down from the underground at everyone down below." -Supergrass