Dying is the last line on the drawing Did you fill in all the holes Are there shadows of undone And colors of rage and no fun How has the brush touched the canvas How smooth has the years melted together The frame may be worn and rusted Still might tell if you got beaten or hugged The first line that is drawn is birth Shown or hidden behind layers It will surely shine through And show the real you The last line is death Sharpen the pencil and dip the brush When the ink is dry You’ve earned your last breath Is this the last line That you’re drawing to me Is this the last time That you’re talking to me Is this the last line That you’re drawing to me Is this the last time That you’re talking to me Can you tell how you came to that conclusion Speechless, non-the less impressed Can you tell how you came to that conclusion Speechless, non-the less impressed Is this the last line That you’re drawing to me Is this the last time That you’re talking to me Is this the last line That you’re drawing to me Is this the last time That you’re talking to me Is this the last line That you’re drawing to me Is this the last time That you’re talking to me Is this the last line That you’re drawing to me Is this the last time That you’re talking to me