Edward Zyckfennh


Edward Zyckfennh

I can't sleep at night take it out of my mind this was not right
Not sleep well, I'm doomed to hell, I won't going to sky
I have fear of light, I keep secret inside, I lie and hide the truth
I was a good guy
But all changed my life when I got that gun

What did I do with my life?
Whats hapened with me
What did I do with my life?
This was not me
I am a gangster

I know lose my mind, I know is too later but, I fell so sorry guy
I will pay for this, but only God can judje me right now
I see the blood still, I had flackbacks, I cant get forget
I wish a luck star, to back in past, the time won't back
What did I do with my life?
Whats hapened with me

What did I do with my life?
This was not me
I am a gangster
I pick I pick I pick the gun, I did I did I did bum
I am a gangster