The Horsemen ride! There is no tradgedy When the Horsemen ride Though there be 4 billion dead 4 billions of gallons of bloodshed 4 billion dead We will stand today We will have our revenge As we mount on our horses The truth we defend We ll not die We will not give in No matter how high Thats why We've our own horse to ride We're bringing our own horse to rideX4 There is no tradgedy here! They are falling by the Wayside Corrupt And they are Dieing And thier Holy Pope reigns A system of lies They say Don't lie So they can hang you high It's all fucking lies! Fucking Lies! Thats why We're On the edge And we're comming with Horses instead CH And we're for Anarchy And we're for Freedom! We're free Free No matter! There's a tradgedy When you Take a man Take him! Take all of his freedoms away When you stuff your culture down his throat You make him Beg He can't stand And we're not giving in! No Cause Anarchy is here Anarchy is what we've een waiting for And we're bringing it! And we're comming on our horse! CH And we're riding on the Apocalypse and we're riding on Air We are vengence!X4