Eddy Arnold

I Really Dont Want To Know

Eddy Arnold

Tom: F#m

  A        D        A        A        A7         A7      D     D    
 How many arms have held you      and hat-ed to let you  go?      How
  D        D         D      D     B7   A           E7       A   D  A    
 Many, how many, I  won-der,    But I really don't want to know.
  A         D        A        A        A7       A7     D     D     
 How ma-ny lips have kissed you,   and set your soul  aglow?     How
 D         Dm        A      F#m    B7    A           E7       A   D A    
 Many, how many,  I  won-der,     But I really don't want to  know.    So
  A7      A7      D      D     A7       A7      D      D    
 Al-ways make me won-der,      al -ways make me guess.    And
  B7     B7       E      E     B7      B7        E     E7    
 Ev - en if   I  ask you,      dar-lin don't con-fess.     Just
  A         D         A      A       A7        A7        D     D    
 Let it re-main your secret,     But dar-lin I love you so.        No
  D         Dm       A      A    B7      A           E7      A   D A E E
 Wonder, no wonder I won-der.  Though I really don't want to know.
 Go to the top and repeat all
                                         A           E7      A   D A    
 End with......................Though I really don't want to know