Eddie James


Eddie James

In him dwelleth the fullness
Of the Godhead bodily
He is the image
Of the invisible God
Our Sabbath, our rest
The word made flesh
Prophet, priest and king
Unto you we sing

In him dwelleth the fullness
Of the Godhead bodily
He is the image
Of the invisible God
Our Sabbath, our rest
The word made flesh
Prophet, priest and king
Unto you we sing

Jesus, teacher, Rabbi
With authorities he spake parables
And that enlighten our eyes
Jesus, taught the pearl of Great Price
Marriage feast, mustard seed
So accurate and precise
Jesus, taught the seed and sower
The field with hidden treasures
Vineyard and laborer

(Jesus) He’s the Lion and the Lamb
(Jesus) He’s the Great I Am
(Jesus) From the dead he’s raised
(Jesus) Exalted and praised
(Jesus) He reigns forever
(Jesus) There will never be another
(Jesus) Yeshua Hamashiach
(Jesus) The way, the truth and life

Jesus, said: Blessed are they who hunger
And thirst after righteousness
For they shall be filled
Jesus, said to the world: You’re a light
Shining in the darkness
A city on a hill
Jesus, taught us how to pray
Our father which art in heaven
And hallowed be by name!

(Jesus) He’s the Lion and the Lamb
(Jesus) He’s the Great I Am
(Jesus) From the dead he’s raised
(Jesus) Exalted and praised
(Jesus) He reigns forever
(Jesus) There will never be another
(Jesus) Yeshua Hamashiach
(Jesus) The way, the truth and life

Jesus, miracle worker
To the wind and the waves
He said: Peace, be still
Jesus, like blind Bartimaeus
The deaf, the lame
And the lepers he healed
Jesus, the daughter of Jairus
The widow son and Lazarus
He raised from the dead

(Jesus) He’s the Lion and the Lamb
(Jesus) He’s the Great I Am
(Jesus) From the dead he’s raised
(Jesus) Exalted and praised
(Jesus) He reigns forever
(Jesus) There will never be another
(Jesus) Yeshua Hamashiach
(Jesus) The way, the truth and life

Jesus, betrayed with a kiss
Sentenced to die
By Peter three times denied
Jesus, beaten at the whipping post
Hangs on a cross
The disciples scattered when
He needed them the most
Jesus, declares: It is finished!
Into your hands
I commit my spirit!

Jesus, descends into hell
Confronts principalities
And Lucifer, who fell
Jesus, takes the keys of
Death, hell and the grave
Setting captives free
Releasing the slaves
Jesus, on the third he got up
With all power
In his hands

(Jesus) He’s the Lion and the Lamb
(Jesus) He’s the Great I Am
(Jesus) From the dead he’s raised
(Jesus) Exalted and praised
(Jesus) He reigns forever
(Jesus) There will never be another
(Jesus) Yeshua Hamashiach
(Jesus) The way, the truth and life

(Jesus) Alpha, (Jesus) omega
(Jesus) Beginning, (Jesus) and the end!
(Jesus) Which was, (Jesus) and is
(Jesus) Is to come, (Jesus) almighty!
(Jesus) The first, (Jesus) the last
(Jesus) Alive, (Jesus) forever more!
(Jesus) The King (Jesus) of kings
(Jesus) The Lord (Jesus) of lords 

(Jesus) He’s the Lion and the Lamb
(Jesus) He’s the Great I Am
(Jesus) From the dead he’s raised
(Jesus) Exalted and praised
(Jesus) He reigns forever
(Jesus) There will never be another
(Jesus) Yeshua Hamashiach
(Jesus) The way, the truth and life

(Jesus) Alpha, (Jesus) omega
(Jesus) Beginning, (Jesus) and the end!
(Jesus) Which was, (Jesus) and is
(Jesus) Is to come, (Jesus) almighty!
(Jesus) The first, (Jesus) the last
(Jesus) Alive, (Jesus) forever more!
(Jesus) The King (Jesus) of kings
(Jesus) The Lord (Jesus) of lords

(Jesus) He’s the Lion and the Lamb
(Jesus) He’s the Great I Am
(Jesus) From the dead He’s raised
(Jesus) Exalted and praised
(Jesus) He reigns forever
(Jesus) There will never be another
(Jesus) Yeshua Hamashiach
(Jesus) The way, the truth and life

(Jesus) Alpha, (Jesus) omega
(Jesus) Beginning, (Jesus) and the end!
(Jesus) Which was, (Jesus) and is
(Jesus) Is to come, (Jesus) almighty!
(Jesus) The first, (Jesus) the last
(Jesus) Alive, (Jesus) forever more!
(Jesus) The King (Jesus) of kings
(Jesus) The Lord (Jesus) of lords 

(Jesus) He’s the Lion and the Lamb
(Jesus) He’s the Great I Am
(Jesus) From the dead He’s raised
(Jesus) Exalted and praised
(Jesus) He reigns forever
(Jesus) There will never be another
(Jesus) Yeshua Hamashiach
(Jesus) The way, the truth and life