First it happened slowly, then quickly came unveiled as madness disguised as something sane he never saw it happen, she never meant it to he wrapped her up in his life, she stuck to it like glue 'round and 'round they spin weaving in the night tapestry will envelope them they'll fight the good fight one heart cannot hold all of this one man's grace is another man's hell two souls can melt together 'til one can no longer find itself they kept up appearances for family and friends he coveted her soul, she put up no defense we all began to notice unmistakable signs they were never in the same room at the very same time and in the hiding of their bedroom one hybrid voice was heard two would shed their clothing one body would emerge one heart cannot hold all of this one man's grace is another man's hell two souls can melt together 'til one can no longer find itself 'round and 'round they spin weaving in the night tapestry will envelope them they'll fight the good fight one heart cannot hold all of this one man's grace is another man's hell two souls can melt together 'til one cannot find itself one heart cannot hold all of this one heart cannot hold all of this one heart cannot hold all of this.