She on the left, he on the right they sit in their living room stare at the fire, sparks up the flu escape to the night, bedtime soon and sure there's plenty to talk about but there ain't much to say god's on the mantlepiece and what's he got to do with all of this anyway and the silence here is written it's the holiest you've ever seen these two just bookends to the spaces in between they say they can talk about anything unlike so many others they know three out of five end in divorce a matter of course, they read it was so they read it was so she closes the book, he puts out the fire she turns down the bed, coming dear they lie in the dark listening to whispering voices in the downstairs room hey she on the left, he on the right sparks up the flu, escape to the night she on the left, he on the right sparks up the flu, escape to the night