cleo wrote to tony now pull me from this hell i'll hock all of my precious jewels and find a cheap motel there's only room for you and me the only two who care egyptians and centurions could kill this perfect pair who's watching the nile how far can it be not more than a mile til both of us are free we'll fool them at the border and tell them that we're lost if bribes are what they order we'll pay them what it costs tony wrote to cleo now don't you sell no ring i know this perfect getaway just outside peking we might stick out a little let's hope that they won't stare chinamen and asians won't kill this perfect pair chorus tony picked up cleo heard some yell caesar now how you think they mean that you think as in to seize her or is it one's perception and how some pharaoh sees her insted a passerby confusion tony for julius caesar chorus we'll leave this misery and both of us are free