this here's the story 'bout ginger faye packed her blush and made her way from uva the story of ginger faye pretty as a picture tall as a man firepole-thin with a sunbed tan if anyone can make it down there she can a half a world away... the story of ginger faye the broken dreams of ginger faye her finger sports a rock one that couldn't be digest in the belly of a croc the broken dreams of ginger faye an unknown jewel of the usa right before she could say "g'day" she got pulled from the dock in the jaws of a croc this here's the story 'bout you know who sat 'neath a log in the bottom of a swamp for a day or two without a thing to do took a trip on a roll of death put up a fight 'til out of breath no fine in nature for body theft maybe time in a sidney zoo... what else you gonna do CHORUS you know now to never prompt attack we fetched you once but he came to claim you back now there's a legend called ginger faye took her name and opened a bar down queensland way called ginger faye what's a poor young yank to do when they blow her tune on a didgeridoo the one's in the dark are very few about the legend of ginger faye half a world away