case is empty case is full making a case of the time we waste saying who ain't chaste and who had taste in school - when we was cool pleated shirt pleated slacks pleadin' please don't leave you can never leave you must believe you'll lose steam on the tracks and you'll be headin' back makin' love makin' pain raising hell raising cain calming down keeping sane making home in the land of the fruited plain kicking ass taking names taking time in hopes to find a reason why i just don't feel ashamed but it was all a game checking in checking out checking the first on who feels worse about this curse that's reversed us inside-out guess you should check it out CHORUS even if we chose i couldn't get rid of you lost the number on that form now didn't you thought no one would notice if i'd hidden you feeling guilty feeling bad feeling unappealing 'bout the wheeling and the dealing love like mad but it was all i had staying in staying put staying and praying and weighing how far away it'd be on foot if you weren't put