Eddie From Ohio

If I Were A Flintstone

Eddie From Ohio

if i were a flintstone
i'd make myself some shoes
i'd set up shop and sell bedrock
my shoes sensible shoes
a pioneer of footwear
lordy-be and bless my soul
i'd be a bc billionaire
the first you'd ever know

so load your wheels
with t-bone steaks
keep in mind you got no breaks
it's no small feat
to stop your car
so mind the stops
wherever you are
that you don't
wear out your shoes

if i were mayor of bedrock
i'd write a law on shoes
i'd make the town of bedrock
all wear shoes sensible shoes
the maker of air freds
lordy-be and bless my soul
i'd retire a bc billionaire
the first you'd ever know


and if i were a jetson
i'd throw out all my shoes
i'd set up cans for friends
to dump their shoes senseless shoes
a pioneer of callouses,
lordy-be and bless my soul
i'd be a barefoot spaceman
the first you'd ever know