it's a revolution of the darkest kind i have seen it mirrored in the darkening sky i can put it in my hand and hold it up to the light but never see right through it's a revolution in the purest form and the house that we lived in's been tattered and tom and my blanket no longer keeps me warm the cold it burned right through wake up vanessa there's someone at the door with a carbine on his shoulder he's talking 'bout a revolutionary war this is all about faith, this is not about religion since when did making love become a life and death decision? it's a clean destruction of the previous mind and all i believed in's been shattered in kind but i found that my heart's opened up my mind and opened up my eyes and it's no wonder that you found me here on the side of the road with all i hold dear in a brass-metal casting to shut out the fear and cut it down to size