Tom: E E You say your arms are empty and your eyes are full of tears. Haven't had no lovin', in so many years. CHORUS: A E Don't blame it on me, I'm not guilty, can't you see? A B B7 Don't blame it on me, I'm the same as I used to be. #2. E Well, every day is sunny, when it comes to lovin' you. I will always love you, no matter what you do. CHORUS: A E Don't blame it on me, I'm not guilty, can't you see? A B B7 Don't blame it on me, I'm the same as I used to be. (INSTRUMENTAL:PIANO/SAX:) #3. E You say your arms are empty and your eyes are full of tears. Haven't had no lovin', in so many years. CHORUS: A E Don't blame it on me, I'm not guilty, can't you see? A B B7 Don't blame it on me, I'm the same as I used to be. #4. E Well, every day is sunny, when it comes to lovin' you. I will always love you, no matter what you do. CHORUS: A E Don't blame it on me, I'm not guilty, can't you see? A E A B E Don't blame it on me, I'm the same as I used to be.